A Detailed Online Privacy Guide for Staying Safe on the Web in 2024 [Updated]

Arsalan Rathore

Arsalan Rathore

July 9, 2024
Updated on July 9, 2024
A Detailed Online Privacy Guide for Staying Safe on the Web in 2024 [Updated]

Data breaches are no longer rare occurrences but frequent and unsettling events that impact millions of users worldwide. In 2024 alone, companies like T-Mobile, LastPass, and Uber have faced significant data breaches, compromising vast amounts of personal information. These incidents serve as stark reminders of the vulnerability of our digital lives.

Maintaining the privacy of your online presence requires proactive and informed measures. Adjusting the settings on your accounts and devices can significantly enhance your data privacy. Regularly assessing how much of your personal information is exposed online is vital to protect yourself from threats.

Reflect on what you prefer to keep private: your shopping habits, financial records, or medical history. The unauthorized exposure of such details can have serious repercussions, making protecting your online privacy indispensable.

As security breaches continue to rise, adopting online solid privacy practices is no longer optional but essential. Whether you are shopping, banking, or communicating online, each activity risks personal data exposure. Taking deliberate steps to secure your information is crucial in safeguarding your digital footprint.

This comprehensive internet privacy guide covers all the aspects regarding how to maintain your privacy online and what things you should avoid. 

Key Takeaways

  • Essentiality of Online Privacy: Privacy is paramount in protecting personal and sensitive information from cyber threats. Ensuring your data is secure can prevent identity theft and unauthorized access to personal accounts.
  • Data Encryption Significance: Encrypting your data is crucial in securing sensitive information from unauthorized access. This measure ensures that even if data is intercepted, it cannot be read without the encryption key.
  • Social Media Privacy Management: Managing privacy settings on social media platforms can significantly reduce the exposure of personal information. This involves careful control over what information is shared and with whom.
  • Importance of Regular Updates: Updating your devices and software is vital to protect against the latest security vulnerabilities. Regular updates patch security flaws and protect your system from new threats.

Notable Facts

  • Increasing Data Breach Costs: The financial impact of data breaches continues to rise, significantly affecting both individuals and businesses. This highlights the growing importance of robust security measures.
  • Prevalence of Phishing Attacks: Phishing remains one of the most common methods cybercriminals use to steal personal information. Being aware of phishing tactics can help you identify and avoid these attacks.
  • VPN as a Privacy Shield: VPNs are emphasized as one of the most effective ways to secure online activities. They encrypt internet traffic, making it difficult for cybercriminals to intercept and access data.
  • Encrypted Communications: It is recommended that you use encrypted communication tools to ensure that your online interactions remain private and secure from eavesdropping.
  • Password Management Best Practices: It is advised to use password managers to create and store strong, unique passwords for different accounts. This practice enhances security and reduces the risk of account compromise.
  • Understanding Privacy Legislation: Being aware of privacy laws and regulations in your region can help protect personal information and ensure compliance with legal requirements.

 Global Online Privacy Breaches Over the Past Few Years

The internet is increasingly becoming a battleground for cyber threats, which continue escalating daily. Despite the proliferation of online security tools, the frequency and severity of data breaches have shown no signs of abating.

According to IBM’s Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the average cost of a data breach in the US has risen to $9.44 million, while the global average stands at $4.45 million. Astonishingly, the healthcare sector bears the highest average cost of data breaches at $10.93 million. This figure is comparable to the GDP of some small nations.

The study also detailed the costs associated with common types of cyberattacks:

  • Phishing: $4.91 million
  • Business Email Compromise: $4.89 million
  • Credentials Hacked or Stolen: $4.50 million
  • Malicious Insider: $4.18 million

The 2024 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report revealed a notable ransomware attack surge, accounting for 32% of all breaches. Vulnerability exploitation almost tripled, driven by attacks targeting unpatched systems and zero-day vulnerabilities. The report analyzed 30,458 security incidents and 10,626 confirmed breaches, indicating a two-fold increase over the previous year​ (Verizon)​.

The 2024 Proofpoint State of the Phish Report highlights that more than 70% of employees admitted to engaging in risky behaviors that could expose them to phishing attacks. This underscores the human element as a significant factor in cybersecurity breaches. The report also highlighted the alarming rise in sophisticated phishing tactics and the need for better employee training and awareness​ (Proofpoint)​.

Recent years have witnessed some of the most significant data breaches, further emphasizing the pervasive nature of these threats:

  • T-Mobile (2023): The personal information of 37 million customers, including names, addresses, and phone numbers, was exposed.
  • LastPass (2023): Hackers accessed encrypted password vaults and sensitive user data, affecting millions.
  • Uber (2022): A breach exposed sensitive company data and employee information.
  • LinkedIn (2021): Data from 700 million users was scraped and sold on the dark web.
  • Facebook (2021): Over 530 million users’ data, including phone numbers and account details, were exposed online.

These examples underscore that even industry giants with robust security measures can fall victim to data breaches. If such well-protected entities are at risk, it raises an urgent question: how secure is your personal information?

The threats are not only numerous but also relentless. You could easily become the next victim without taking proactive measures to safeguard your data. Understanding the scope and scale of these cyber threats is crucial to fortifying your online privacy and protecting your digital footprint.

When companies like these have faced such issues, what makes you think you’re safe anymore? Here is just a glimpse of the threats that are happening every minute around the globe:

Now imagine the number of threats out there, of which you can be the next victim if you do not take the precautionary steps. 

 Threats to online privacy in 2024

The threats to online privacy have reached a new high over the past few years. It’s high time that every internet user gets to know about the threats that they can face in the digital realm. Following are some of the most commonly encountered online threats to user’s privacy: 

 Online Spying and user tracking

Numerous trackers, with varying goals, keep tabs on your online activities. Trackers monitor and log all of your online activity, including your searches. This is a severe breach of online privacy as it gives them a complete portrait of who you are and what you’re into. 

Most of the time, advertisers are the ones who benefit from this tracking because they can target you with ads that are more relevant to you. However, cybercriminals sometimes use this data to endanger your online safety by engaging in illegal and unapproved behavior.

Government agencies also spy on users, claiming it as a tactic for counter-terrorism surveillance. A classic example of this was the NSA PRISM program, which was used for surveillance by the NSA. Edward Snowden’s whistleblowing brought this program to light, which was running for seven years, and throughout this time, the privacy of many people was infringed. 

online Privacy guide -  Online Spying and user tracking


Malware and stealthy hackers aren’t the only ways our security can be breached. It’s not uncommon for us to fall for scams that would have us reveal sensitive information, such as passwords. 

One of the most widely encountered cyber threats is known as Phishing. These attempts may be made via email, text message, or phone call. Most of these attacks aim to steal sensitive information such as login credentials or Social Security numbers. There are usually red flags that indicate these emails aren’t from a trusted source, such as poor spelling and grammar, broken links, or an unusual email address.

In February 2015, a health insurance company “Anthem” became a victim of a phishing attack. The attack was carried out through a phishing email, resulting in the theft of 78.8 million customer data. The data that was breached included the names, addresses, dates of birth, and employment histories of the customers. 



“Malware” is shorthand for “malicious software” or “malicious data,” both of which are programs or files with malicious intentions. Crooks and cybercriminals use this to compromise your system and steal data.

Device-injectable malware can monitor user activity and transmit sensitive data, such as login credentials and financial data, to an attacker. One of the examples of a malware attack is Home Depot’s data breach that happened in the September of 2014. It was a malware attack on one of its POS, which resulted in the exposure of the credit card information of 56 million customers.


How to Protect Your Online Privacy

Use a VPN

VPN is one of the best ways to protect your online privacy. A virtual private network, or VPN, shields your online activity by routing it through encrypted tunnels and providing you bandwidth through its secure servers

Using a virtual private network (VPN) will mask your IP address by replacing it with the IP address of the VPN server you are connected to. What this means is that your ISP or any other parties cannot monitor your online activity because your IP and DNS are masked.

VPNs protect users from identity theft by hiding their online activity and blocking malicious software and DDoS attacks. It also unblocks websites and apps that may be restricted in your country, allowing you to enjoy anything from anywhere.

There are a plethora of additional security-enhancing features available in VPNs. When you subscribe to a premium VPN service, you gain access to robust security protocols and fantastic features to meet any and all of your requirements.

Use a Password Manager

Keeping track of multiple lengthy and varied passwords for the various online accounts you maintain can be a hassle. It is a problem that can be easily remedied by using a password manager. Without the need for you to memorize any of them, they can generate and safely store extremely lengthy passwords.

People use more websites and platforms, meaning they use more usernames and passwords. Password management is essential. Dedicated password management services (password vaults) can help.

Many have over a hundred usernames and passwords for financial accounts, exchanges, email services, social media, and shopping sites. Most people use the same login and password everywhere. This is normal. 100 usernames and passwords are unrememberable.

Use an Antivirus

Protecting yourself from malware and viruses is not possible without using an Anti-virus. It is an essential protection tool to have on your device to maintain your data and privacy security. 

Pop-ups, bitcoin mining, and identity theft are just a few of the many problems that malicious software can cause when installed on your computer. Antivirus software installed, particularly on Windows PCs, is a good idea if you have a tendency to click potentially dangerous links or if numerous individuals in your home use the same computer.

Back-Up Your Data

It is possible to lose data despite your best efforts to keep it safe on your devices and computers. Having an extra copy (or copies) of your data stored elsewhere, typically in the cloud, is how backups work to fix this problem. In order to guarantee the availability of your data at all times, investing in a cloud backup system is a wise and economical choice.

When selecting a cloud provider, it’s crucial to consider their cloud security posture to ensure your data remains protected.

Ransomware is a major risk to user data because cybercriminals use it to extort money from you online. To a large extent, ransomware is rendered useless if you have backups of all your data; if the attackers manage to wipe your files, you can simply restore them from your backups.

Be Careful on Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and others may seem like a great way to keep in touch with loved ones, but in reality, they are scavengers of personal information.

Facebook runs one of the largest ad networks globally, and it leverages the information you provide about yourself to personalize the ads you see on the platform. If you share only the very minimum of information, you can control how much of a profile Facebook creates about you.

Your personal information can be protected to a large extent by being cautious about what you share on social media. It’s important to remember that even the seemingly safest of posts might put you in harm’s way. An attack could constitute social engineering if an attacker poses as a friend to gather information.

Accepting friend requests from anyone is a bad idea on social networking and Messaging apps; instead, stick to communicating with a select group of people you genuinely know.

 Additional Ways to Protect Your Online Privacy

1. Use Ads Blocker 

Ad blockers not only shield you from the potential privacy invasion posed by third-party ad trackers, but they also make the websites you visit much quicker to load. Ad blockers are also effective at preventing advertisements from loading on websites.

 2. Use a Secure Search Engine

If you use Google or Bing, you should know that these search engines collect your data and profile you according to your search history and online activity. The ads you see on your apps and different websites are targeted toward you based on the profiling data stored by Google. 

If you go through the privacy policy published by the search engine you are using, you will get to know the data that it stores. This is a direct threat to your online privacy and data security. This is why it is imperative that you use a secure search engine that does not store your data and track your online activity. 

The best alternative to Google is Duck Duck Go, which is a truly private search engine. It does not collect your information at all and keeps your privacy intact. 

3. Delete your Google history

Constantly deleting your Google history is important as it ensures that the data, cookies, and credentials stored in your browser’s history cannot be used to invade your privacy. Logs of data are stored in your browsers, like your searches and your activity. This information can profile your interests and target you for adverts. This is why you should wipe your Google history timely. 

4. Secure your email

Most email providers now offer encrypted HTTPS connections, and Google has taken the initiative to address the most significant security hole in SSL. That’s why we can trust these email providers. The email service is useless if it shares your data with an opponent, as with Google, Microsoft, and the NSA.

What’s needed is a method of encrypting emails from beginning to end. Here, the email is encrypted before being sent so that only the receiver who is supposed to read it may read it. The most significant drawback of adopting an encrypted email system is that you cannot mandate its use. You’ll also need the cooperation of your contacts (both those you’re communicating with and those who send you messages) for this to be successful. Nevertheless, protecting your privacy and data is what’s important, and for that, you should go for it. 

5. Secure your Communication Channels

It’s essential to have full end-to-end encryption for all online communications because we often use messaging apps to share private information. More people are choosing secure and encrypted messaging applications out of concern for their personal data and online safety than are using the more mainstream alternatives.

Whatsapp and other Facebook-owned apps collect data from your phone and Facebook profiles. It’s stated openly in their terms of service about privacy. This is a major problem that requires immediate attention.

6. Encrypt your Files and Folders

There are encrypting tools available for protecting your local files and folders. You should use these tools to encrypt your files and folders so that if you fall prey to ransomware or malware, your data remains safe. 

 7. Use Anti-Virus/Anti-Malware and Firewall Software

The use of anti-virus software is a standard and well-known countermeasure. For the sake of your data and the health of your computer, they are tailored to defend against Trojans, Malware, and other viruses.

When it comes to protecting your privacy, anti-virus software is more like a shield against malicious malware. Nonetheless, several privacy features have been incorporated in recent upgrades to many of the best anti-virus software on the market.

 8. Do Not Use 5, 9, 14 Eyes-based Services

The FVEY alliance was made to keep an eye on the online activities of internet users. The formation of this alliance has been a direct threat to users’ privacy. Therefore, you must do a thorough background check of all the apps you are using. If any of them are based in 5,9, 14 eyes country, then you will have to take additional security measures. 

Using a VPN is the best way of bypassing this surveillance. However, the problem is that this alliance also keeps track of VPN users using providers based in these 14 countries. 

If you want to avoid being monitored by the 14 Eyes alliance, a virtual private network (VPN) that is not situated in one of those nations is your best bet. User’s right to privacy and online liberty are two causes that Astrill VPN fights hard for.

Android Privacy vs. iOS Privacy 

App PermissionsFine-grained control, but some apps may request excessive permissions.Strict control over app permissions; apps need explicit user consent.
Data EncryptionDevice encryption is available but may vary by manufacturer and model.All data stored on the device is encrypted by default.
Location ServicesUsers can manage location permissions for each app, including background usage.Users can allow location access once while using the app, or never.
Ad TrackingUsers can opt-out of ad personalization, but tracking is still possible via other means.Users can limit ad tracking, and Apple introduced App Tracking Transparency (ATT).
Security UpdatesUpdates depend on the device manufacturer and carrier, which can lead to delays.Apple provides timely and consistent updates to all supported devices.
App Store ReviewGoogle Play Store has security checks but is more lenient, which can lead to malicious apps slipping through.App Store has strict review guidelines, reducing the risk of malicious apps.
Privacy LabelsGoogle Play Store introduced app privacy labels, but the implementation is still in progress.App Store has privacy labels that detail data collection and usage practices for each app.
Default AppsSome pre-installed apps by manufacturers may collect data without clear user consent.Apple’s default apps are designed with privacy in mind and minimize data collection.
Third-Party App StoresAllows third-party app stores, which can increase the risk of installing malicious apps.Does not allow third-party app stores, reducing the risk of installing malicious apps.
Messaging EncryptionVaries by app; some default messaging apps may not offer end-to-end encryption.iMessage offers end-to-end encryption by default for messages between Apple devices.
Privacy SettingsPrivacy dashboard in recent updates for better app permissions and data access visibility.Comprehensive privacy settings are available in one place, with regular prompts for review.

Final thoughts

The internet is a dangerous place to be right now because of how rapidly the world is evolving. Many government and private organizations are actively collecting data about your online activity.

Keeping your personal information safe online is becoming increasingly difficult in today’s ever-changing world. Every day, cybercriminals get more sophisticated, and if you haven’t taken adequate precautions, you’ll be a victim.


Do students need more online privacy?

Yes, students need more online privacy. With the increasing use of digital tools and online platforms for education, students’ personal information, including their academic records, behavioral data, and personal identifiers, is more vulnerable to unauthorized access and misuse.

Is online privacy a human right?

Yes, online privacy is considered a human right. The United Nations has recognized the right to privacy as a fundamental human right under Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 17 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. 

What are the dangers of lack of privacy?

The dangers of a lack of privacy include:

  • Identity Theft
  • Surveillance
  • Data Breaches
  • Discrimination
  • Cyberbullying and Harassment

Does privacy exist on the internet?

Privacy on the internet is challenging but only partially nonexistent. While absolute privacy is difficult to achieve due to the pervasive nature of data tracking and surveillance, individuals can enhance their online privacy. These measures include using encryption, VPNs, strong passwords, and being cautious about the information shared online. 

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About The Author

Arsalan Rathore

Arsalan Rathore is a tech geek who loves to pen down his thoughts and views on VPN, cybersecurity technology innovation, entertainment, and social issues. He likes sharing his thoughts about the emerging tech trends in the market and also loves discussing online privacy issues.

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